Come Have a  SSEAT with us...

Stuttering Support, Empathy, & Advocacy for Teens

What We Do

  • We provide a safe space for mentorship and support for teens and young adults struggling with stuttering and related expressive language disabilities. 
  • We bring awareness to the special qualities of individuals who stutter, along with the obstacles they meet.
  • We encourage empathy for teens and young adults and their families struggling with stuttering and related expressive language disabilities through advocacy and education.
  • We promote philanthropic endeavors to support intervention scholarship and research for stuttering.

     SSEAT & Stuttering 

Recent Blogs and News ...

It was the start of my senior year - the first of many lasts. I was recharged from summer break and ready to embrace my final year of high school. But my enthusiasm was partnered with reservation. While the intrigue of new classes and senior privileges excited me, the beginning of the school year was synonymous with the stress of...

XL-twin sheets and pillow from home. Check. Box fan for un-airconditioned summer dorm. Check. Fresh green binder and favorite erasable pens. Check. Running shoes and enough fresh socks to last the week. Check. Full confidence about my speech... This box was not that easy to check...

Come have a SSEAT with us...  

 Stuttering Support, Empathy, & Advocacy for Teens